Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Online Casino On The World Of Horror - 1748 Words
Blog 28 – Spooky slot games that have spooked us all The world of online slots has always had a lose connection to the world of horror. Over the years many developers have looked to the world of ghosts and ghouls for inspiration, with a selection of entertaining slot games emerging because of this. Given that Friday the 13th has recently rolled around, we’ve taken it upon ourselves to delve into the archives. Through plenty of online casino portal research, we have complied a list of games that we think have spooked us all at one point or another. Blood Suckers NetEnt are considered one of the greatest online casino game developers in history and there is good reason for that. It seems that every single game that comes off the†¦show more content†¦The game requires players to spin the five available reels and unlock the clue symbols, as doing this can trigger a bonus game that offers up major rewards. Creature from the Black Lagoon Back in the 1950s horror films were in their infancy. While many of the films from that era have long since been forgotten, it seems like one has managed to stand the test of time. Creature from the Black Lagoon was a film for the ages and given its timeless style it has made for tremendous slot game inspiration. From the first moment you logon to Creature from the Black Lagoon you will see that this game represents some of NetEnt’s finest work. Featuring 5-reels, 20-paylines, wild symbols, free spins bonuses, and some monstrous prizes, Creature from the Black Lagoon is scare-inducing slot game that you’ll want to check out. Monster Madness Top Game may not be a developer that most are aware of, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t have the ability to create truly memorable slot games. The particular Top Game slots title that makes this list is Monster Madness. Seemingly based upon the classic video game Doom, it features a pixelated design at its most unsettling. Coming complete with a progressive jackpot, the challenge for players in this game is in landing all five the haunted house symbols across an activated payline. Dr Watts Up Last but by no
Monday, December 16, 2019
The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay Free Essays
Harmonizing to Wikipedia, larning manners is used to depict 1s natural or accustomed form of geting and treating information in larning state of affairss. Keefe ( 1979 ) defines larning manners as the â€Å" complex of characteristic affective, physiological and cognitive factors that serve as comparatively stable indexs that show how a scholar perceives, interacts with, and responds to the acquisition environment. †Learning manners can besides be described as a set of behaviours, attitudes and factors that facilitate larning for an person in certain state of affairs ( Web. We will write a custom essay sample on The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now cortland.edu, 1990 ) . Learning manners act upon how pupils learn and how instructors teach. Indirectly, it besides influences how the pupils and instructor interact.A A Each person is born with certain inclinations toward peculiar manners. However, larning manners will act upon by civilization, adulthood degree, development and personal experiences ( Web.cortland.edu, 1990 ) .A A It is of import to retrieve that larning manners do non state us about one ‘s abilities or intelligence but assist us to understand why some undertakings seem easier for others than us ( Fleming and Bonwell, 2006 ) . Besides, larning manners besides described as the best clip of twenty-four hours a scholar absorb the cognition. For illustration, some people unable to work in the early eventide and some people are merely non able to work good in the early forenoon. By and large, there are four classs of larning manners, there is audile, ocular, kinaesthetic and tactile. A pupil with an audile acquisition manner learns best when information and cognition are delivered in auditory formats. Examples of auditory formats are talks, unwritten reading, podcasts and treatments. Auditory scholars prefer to larn utilizing their ears. They prefer to follow verbal instructions instead than written 1s. These pupils besides do good with taped classs and group treatments ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Meanwhile, scholars with tend to work best in an environment where information is presented in ocular format such as books, articles, picture, image or diagrams. They enjoy reading books for cognition and can easy follow written waies. Since messages are taken in through the eyes, they can make good in power point presentations, films and category press releases ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . A pupil with kinaesthetic larning manner prefers larning by making. Messages and information are taken in by the musculuss through organic structure motion. Kinesthetic scholars work good with their custodies. They write things down to clear up their ideas ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . Finally, a pupil with a haptic acquisition manner responds good to touching and making things in countries such as scientific discipline and art. They learn best when information is conveyed in hand-on manner. They prefer keeping and pull stringsing the capable affair instead than simply sing an image of it ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Learning is a womb-to-tomb procedure. Therefore, it is of import to place and understand the differences between the assorted acquisition manners. Although Stahl ( 1999 ) had critique about the acquisition manners, pedagogues are still obliging in measurement and instruction to pupils ‘ acquisition. Since 1970, infinite pupils have benefitted from larning about how they learn and the differences of larning manners among people ; many teachers have made effectual usage of larning manners in their instruction ( Oncourseworkshop.com, 1970 ) . It is non merely because tilting manners should be discovered and encouraged but there are several benefits of measurement and learning pupils to understand their acquisition penchants. By understanding the acquisition manners, instructors can teach harmonizing to the scholar ‘s manner. A instructor who instruct merely harmonizing to his ain manners will makes larning more hard for the pupils ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . Students learn most efficaciously when the schemes used are close with their preferable acquisition manners. Therefore, instructors should besides assist pupils to happen their ain acquisition manner. An consciousness of larning manners can assist to better the methods of instructors ‘ presentation ( www.learningrx.com ) . However, we should retrieve that one acquisition manner is non assumed to be better or first-class than the others but is instead preferred by the scholar ( Weimer, 2012 ) . Another possibility that the mere act of larning about larning manners is to promote instructors to pay more attending to the sorts of direction they are presenting ( Radzyner, 2009 ) . Teachers who understand the importance of larning manners might get down offer a broader mixture of talks, research lab work, treatments and others variety utile direction that might turn out to be better for all pupils other than routine one major learning method. Weimer ( 2012 ) said that pupils differ in their involvements, background cognition and abilities but non in their acquisition manners. But there is no grounds suggests that providing to scholars larning penchants will take to better acquisition. Even so, instructors should assist pupils to place their acquisition manners. Knowing their ain acquisition manner does assist scholars to construct assurance and to larn to pull off their ain acquisition ( Learning Styles A ; Strategies Manitoba Education A ; Training, 1998 ) . It will besides assist pupils to take or disregard things that cause them jobs in larning. After identify pupils ‘ acquisition manners, instructors can learn them how to utilize their encephalon best and give them insight into their strengths, failings and wonts. Besides, by acknowledging and understanding the pupils ‘ acquisition manners, pupils and instructor can utilize techniques better to accommodate each other. Students can better their velocity and quality of larning. The acquisition procedure will besides enjoyable. Harmonizing to Wikipedia, preferred learning manners can steer the manner we learn and besides alter our internally represent experiences and the manner we recall information. Students will benefits from detecting how they process information best. Therefore, many ushers and techniques were still recommended from pedagogues about cognizing and identify pupils ‘ acquisition manners even there is n’t equal grounds base to warrant integrating larning styles appraisals into general educational pattern ( Moore, 2010 ) . Students that understand the differences of larning manners will besides assist them in understand others and assist them associate to and pass on better with the assorted people in their life. If the figure of failures when communicate efficaciously with other lessening, pupils will experience confident and satisfy in working with others. By understanding ain acquisition manners, we can besides cut down the emphasis and defeat of larning experiences in the state of affairs to get the better of the restrictions of hapless teachers ( Studyingstyle.com, 2010 ) . Educators are so compelling or appealing to the thought of measurement and instruction to pupils ‘ acquisition manners because the consciousness of larning manners differences can assist teachers learn in a mode that efficaciously reaches most pupils ( Oncourseworkshop.com, 1970 ) . Teaching by integrating a assortment of active larning schemes can do learning more rewarding and enhance pupils ‘ motive at the same clip. Even though instructors can near larning manners from different subjects and experiences, an apprehension of the different acquisition manners is cardinal to the single attacks of learning ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . However, if an teacher relies on lone scholars ‘ best manner, alternatively of assisting them develop the other larning manners they are weak in will convey drawbacks in their acquisition. When scholar is encourage to avoid countries they are weak in, the underlying cognitive accomplishments in that country will stay weak and that scholar may lose the chance to to the full develop an array of acquisition tools. Therefore, every scholar needs a strong foundation in the nucleus cognitive skills no affair which larning manner they prefer ( www.learningrx.com/learning-styles.htm ) . Cognitive constituents are the internal control of the system of running the cognition ( Kazu, 2009 ) . There are mental abilities required for long-run proficiency in nucleus topics such as authorship, reading and calculating. Cognitive accomplishments can be improved through instruction. One of another possibility drawback of utilizing larning manners to steer direction is the trouble of be aftering a lesson which incorporates all four acquisition manners. Even it is n’t difficult to include both audile and ocular acquisition manners in a lesson, but the sad truth is many pupils have the tactile and kinaesthetic acquisition manner ( Kelly, 2013 ) . Therefore, it is non possible to affect all acquisition manners in a lesson. If a instructor tries to utilizing larning manners to steer direction but mismatches exist between larning manners of most pupils in a category, the pupils may go inattentive and bored in the category. As the consequence, pupils perform ill in trials, acquire discourage about the classs, the course of study and even themselves. Students might get down inquiring if they are in the right profession. Most earnestly, society will loses potentially first-class professionals ( Www4.ncsu.edu, 2002 ) . Furthermore, instructors may see integrating a assortment of instructional schemes into every lesson as a load. Teachers need more clip to be after, more day-to-day instructional clip and less pupils to steer direction utilizing learning manners. Teachers will experience emphasis with the multi-faceted instructional activities with the short instructional period. The trouble in managing a schoolroom with multiple larning manners poses a challenge to instructors. Students might show behavior jobs due to defeats and ennui from the type of direction that is typically given. To steer direction by utilizing larning manners besides need necessary curricular stuffs. These stuffs play a important function in implementing a assortment of instructional schemes to run into the demand of different acquisition manners. For illustrations, teacher need videos and ocular AIDSs form ocular scholar, audio entering stuff for auditory scholars, originative art activities for tactile scholars and kinaesthetic activities for kinaesthetic scholars. All these stuffs should be utile in learning and larning and able to delivered information and cognition to scholars. The most possible drawback from these curricular stuffs is instructors need financess, cognition, support and experience from assortment section. In order for instructors to implement a assortment of instructional schemes in their lesson, instructors need ongoing chances to construct their apprehension in larning manners and suited abilities. Without the experiences from detecting theoretical account schoolrooms, workshops, or analyzing, instructors might mismatch the lesson and therefore convey to serious negative effects. Teachers might be given to disregard others factors such as schoolroom clime, motive, background, multicultural issues, gender and cultural that besides act uponing scholar ‘s learning quality ( Montgomery A ; Groat, 1998 ) . How to cite The History Of Educational Psychology Education Essay, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Auditors Role in Enron free essay sample
The responsibility of an auditor is to express an opinion on the financial statements based on his audit which means verification or check in accordance with International Standards on Auditing. These standards require that the author complies with ethical requirements and performs the audit to obtain reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free from material misstatement. An audit involves performing procedures to obtain audit evidence about the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. The procedures selected depend on the auditor’s judgment, including the assessment of the risks of material misstatement of the financial statements, whether due to fraud or error. In making those risk assessments, the auditor considers internal controls relevant to the entity’s preparation and fair presentation of the financial statements in order to design audit procedures that are appropriate in the circumstances. An audit also includes evaluating the appropriateness of accounting policies used and the reasonableness of accounting estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall presentation of the financial statements.  Enron was established in 1985 following the merge of Houston Natural Gas and InterNorth. In year 2000, Enron reported a remarkable growth of revenue of $ 100. 8 billion, putting it at number seven in the Fortune 500 list of the country’s biggest companies. However, in October 2001, things were reversed with its report of $638 million third-quarter loss and $1. 2 billion reduction in stock value . Following the revise of financial statements for past five years which accounted for $586 million in losses , in December, Enron filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, and became the US’s largest ever corporate collapse. Behind this world-shaking collapse is the fact of executives’ self-dealing, greed and the accountancy company’s default. Enron’s collapse recalls the debate of Anglo-Saxon corporate governance model, which supports deregulation, ‘shareholder value’ and opposition of public intervention. One of the important lessons from the Enron collapse is that no one in the ‘audit chain’ could alarm, disclose, and correct its weak financial status and bad business behaviour. The audit chain, including the audit committee of the board, the board, the outside auditor, the market specialists in stock, the stock exchanges, major creditors, and the credit rating agencies, etc. , appears to have not had an enough incentive to find out and disclose the truth of the behaviour of Enron. Among them, Arthur Andersen, the outside auditors, who should be independent from the audited company, failed to report the accurate information because of a conflict of interest between the auditing and consulting activity for Enron. Enron was Arthur Andersens second largest U.S. customer, paying $25 million in audit fees. Failure by auditors to detect a material error or misstatement in accounting information at Enron can arise from three main causes, two of which may be attributed to audit failure . First, auditors may either fail to detect a material error or misstatement, or, having detected an error, fail to recognize it, because they have carried out a substandard audit – i. e. the auditors are incompetent. Second, auditors may identify an error or misstatement and fail to report it or get the directors to put it right – i. e. the auditors lack independence. Third, directors may deliberately deceive auditors. In cases of deliberate deception, auditors may not be held responsible for failure to detect a problem. Andersen’s audit failed due to unconscious bias which is the propensity to interpret data in accordance with our desires. Biased judgments, rather than criminal collusion between auditors and management often cause audit failures. The so called â€Å"integrated audit†that Andersen employed at Enron where it sought to combine its role as external auditor with internal auditing, the process whereby an enterprise checks its own books. Internal audits seek to ensure that an enterprise follows its procedures, safeguards its assets, and operates efficiently. Management has historically selected the accounting principles that an enterprise uses to prepare its financial statements. An audit essentially endorses or rejects the accounting choices that management has made. The auditors have a large part of responsibility while endorsing or rejecting the accounting principles. The Enron collapse has focused world attention on accounting standards and the role of auditors. Accounting bodies have been reviewing the issue because it concerns members in two ways. As investors they need to consider the quality management on accounting standards, corporate governance implications and possible regulatory impact, especially with reference to the impending government review. As preparers of accounts, they need to reassure themselves that the practice is sufficiently robust and that any regulatory changes following Enron will lead to genuine improvements without adding unnecessary cost. It focuses on the need to ward against conflicts of interest between auditors and their clients. Evaluation of external and internal auditors on independency and diligence A number of separate groups have an interest in a company’s accounts: management, shareholders and lenders, and where relevant regulators. While all have a genuine interest in understanding the business and its prospects, the motivation may not be the same in every case. Management has an incentive to paint a positive picture to the other groups. Shareholders and creditors need an objective view. Accounting rules need to be robust in order to ensure that the picture is objective. The audit process needs to be independent in order to prevent undue influence by management. It is thus appropriate to review of accounting bodies practice from these standpoints. There may be a case for change in some areas, but these should not generally go in the direction of detailed prescription and additional rule making. This approach should also be preserved for the elaboration of international standards, which are due to enter force in the future accounting conference. It would be wrong to shift towards a more rule-based approach in the wake of Enron, not least because that would encourage companies and their auditors to seek loopholes. Nonetheless it is appropriate that investors and audit committees should tighten their scrutiny of the audit process. Auditors must be in a position to resist pressure from management to present an overly positive view of the business. They must not make themselves vulnerable to such pressure by coming to rely heavily on fees for non-audit consultancy work from companies whose accounts they audit. External and internal auditors continually strive for improvement and eliminating the conflict of Interest Two main means of preventing conflicts of interest have featured in the debate over Enron. Some have suggested that auditors should be rotated on a regular basis. Others have suggested that there should be a formal separation of the roles of auditor and consultant. Both ideas have attractions. Both have flaws. Of the two, that of rotating auditors is the more problematic, because there would be regular periods of transition during which scrutiny would be weak. Critical issues might thus be overlooked. A more practical approach might be to impose more frequent rotation of audit partners than the current seven-year norm. This would be part of a process that would also ensure a steady and continuous rotation of audit teams. Some members believe the audit partner should be rotated every three years. Another suggestion is that the audit partner be named in the annual report. This, it is argued, would instill a greater sense of personal responsibility and raise the quality of the audit. Another idea, to which shareholders attach considerable importance, is that the audit partner should not move across to a senior position within the client company, particularly as finance director. While shareholders are not in favor of rotating auditors, they do believe that such an appointment should automatically trigger the appointment of new auditors. The idea of separating audit and consultancy work also finds some support. However there are reservations on two counts about prescribing such change. Some types of non-audit work fall naturally to auditors. An example is the preparation of regulatory returns for insurance companies. For this reason the accounting bodies has resisted the temptation to prescribe a formal separation of the audit/consultancy role or to prescribe any maximal for the ratio of non-audit to audit fees. There is, however, scope for strengthening governance in this area, even as an interim measures pending the conclusion of broader debate. The U. S. accounting bodies already monitors the ratio of audit to non-audit fees. When the latter exceed the former and now plan to follow through with a letter to the chairman of the audit committee, asking for an explanation of the fees, confirmation that the committee is comfortable with the award of non-audit work to its auditor and to state whether non-audit work had been put out to tender. If institutional shareholders want to ensure that company accounts are properly audited, they must be prepared to sanction appropriate fees. It may well be that audit fees should raise as standards are tightened in the wake of Enron. Shareholders should support this if it leads to higher quality audits and reduces the temptation for audit firms to raise additional revenue through consultancy. Alas it would be wrong to concede higher fees simply because a contraction in the number of large audit firms had reduced competitive pressure. Companies need a diversity of choice when looking for an auditor. Second, higher fees would also require higher standards of supervision. There is a strong case for revisiting the role of the audit committee and for requiring it to make regular disclosure in the annual report about its activity in supervising the audit process. Section 404 of the act requires management to acknowledge its responsibility for establishing and maintaining adequate internal controls, including asserting their effectiveness in writing. The financial statement auditor, in turn, must report on management’s assertion about the effectiveness of its internal controls as of the company’s yearend. These provisions apply to entities with market capitalization of more than $75 million for fiscal years ending on or after June 15, 2004. (Smaller companies must comply as of the first fiscal year ending on or after June 15, 2005. The Sarbanes-Oxley internal control certification provisions impose significant responsibilities on both management and the auditor. The former will have to take ownership of the process of identifying, documenting and evaluating significant controls, as well as determining which locations or business units to evaluate. For auditors, providing an opinion on the effectiveness of an entity’s inter nal controls is a significant engagement. Management and auditors should recognize the process will be valuable for several reasons. Management’s assessment of internal controls should enhance the entity’s risk identification processes by lending entity wide consistency. The assessment also should enhance controls consciousness throughout the company and may reveal unnecessary or duplicate controls, as well as areas for improvement. Better control processes could result in operating efficiencies and reduced litigation and fraud. Key Proposed Tests of Controls An effective detective control can compensate for a deficient preventative control, therefore avoiding a significant deficiency or material weakness. The auditor should more extensively test controls on which other significant controls depend. Evidence about the control environment (including fraud programs) often is highly subjective; the auditor should not rely on results of tests others perform. The auditor should limit use of the work of others in areas such as controls over significant nonroutine and nonsystematic transactions and the period-end financial reporting process. Unless the control environment is deficient, the auditor can test controls at an interim date, but should consider obtaining additional evidence for the remaining time period. Where the entity has changed controls, the auditor need not ordinarily consider those superseded controls to render an opinion on controls effectiveness as of yearend; however, changed controls may relate to reliance on controls in the financial statement audit due to the nature of earnings and cash flow measurement. If reasons for a control exception do not indicate weakness in general design or control operation, the deviation may not indicate a significant deficiency. Regardless of reasons, numerous or repeated instances of a deficiency may constitute a significant deficiency. Although individually insignificant, numerous control deficiencies having a common feature or attribute may constitute a significant deficiency. A material misstatement the auditor detects, but the entity does not identify, ordinarily is a material weakness in controls. Where multiple locations exist, the auditor should perform tests of controls if a location is Individually important.
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Power Of One By Ernest Hemmingway Essays - Ernest Hemingway
The Power of One by Ernest Hemmingway Throughout the world, there are many diverse cultures, each of these distinct cultures have different backgrounds, rituals and practices. These cultures have a profound effect on the minds of their inhabitants. It's a person's culture which effects their thoughts, beliefs and their outlook upon life. It doesn't matter where you are from or where you go to, you always have a piece of your culture with you wherever you are. It is your cultural heritage's and background which molds your mind, and your thoughts of how you perceive the world around you. In every culture different aspects of the society are viewed differently. Some cultures share similarities with other cultures about how they view things. In many cultures sports plays a key role in the society, and many times the whole community is based around the sports. No matter where you are from, sports will always play a role in the society. Many times in literature you can tell where the setting is or where the author is from by t he way the community or society in the literature view sports. If you look at the literature that authors produce and where they are from, you will notice a common trend in all of their work. The cultural heritage of the writer affects the perspective in which they write from or about. The cultural heritage affects the writers perspective in many different ways, among them are stereotypes and the setting of the story and the everyday activities that the character go through. Two prime examples of how an authors cultural heritage affects the perspective that they write from is the South African author Bryce Courtenay and the American author Ernest Hemingway. Bryce Courtenay was born and raised in South Africa and received his early education there. He spend the majority of his adolescent life in South Africa and in his final year in Africa he spent it in the copper mines of Central Africa, before he moved to England to complete his education.1 Courtenay spent his early life in Africa, and the African culture had a profound affect him. His time in the copper mines also had a penetrating effect on him and it is visible in his writing, when he wrote about the mines in Africa. In the book The Power of One, Courtenay writes form the perspective of a young British boy in South Africa which shows how cultural heritages affects the writers perspective. It is apparent that the prejudices had a astonishing affect on Courtenay, especially with the hatred between the Boers, Blacks and the British. Because of the hatred going on in South Africa at the time of his growing up and even today, you can sense a tone of racism in his writing. "Please, Meneer, he hates kaffirs (blacks) just like you."2 Frequently in the book the black are referred to kaffirs and other derogatory terms. Through the years, because of wars and other disagreements the Boers have come to hate the British, and vice versa and the Blacks in southern Africa have always been hated ever since the white Europeans arrived. This hatred started between the British and the Boers when the British first came to Africa during the slave trade. The Boers from Europe, had migrated to Africa for freedom, freedom of religion and of the prejudices that they faced in Europe. There was peace between the British and the Boers until the Boer republics were found to be rich in diamonds and gold. Fortune hunters, mostly British, poured in to stake claims,3 which belonged to the Boers. That is when the tension increased. Soon after was the Boer War, and since then there has been a great amount of tension and hatred between the British and the Boers. "...he stopped halfway down the alley and shouted in Afrikaans, 'I'll get you back for this, you rooinek (redneck, a derogatory term for the English) bastard.'"4 Time and time again in the book you can feel the tension and hatred between each of the groups in South Africa. Another area of his culture that is present in the book The Power Of One is that of sports. There all
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
David Carson A brief look at his work1 essays
David Carson A brief look at his work1 essays David Carson was born in Texas in the United States. Many of his design influences have come from his early childhood while travelling around America, Puerto Rico and the West Indies. His first significant exposure to graphic design education came as part of a three-week workshop in Switzerland, where the Swiss graphic designer Hans-Rudolph Lutz influenced him. He then worked in a high school near San Diego from 1982 to 1987. During this time he also carried highly experimental graphic design as the art director of the magazine Transworld Skateboarding. Among his abilities of art directing, graphic designing and film directing, he was also a professional surfer. His immense interest in the surfing culture persuaded him to return to the West Coast where he helped launch the magazine Beach Culture. The magazine only lasted three years but Carsons pioneering approach to design, particularly toward typography challenged the fundamental aspects of all design and graphic communication. Carsons work was often arresting and powerfully communicative. From 1991 to 1992 he worked on Surfer magazine. The straightforward styling of the covers was a strong contrast to the later "How" magazine covers. Here you could associate with Carson as his unique use of typography filled each cover to give an interesting introduction to the contents. After this came his break into an international profile when he helped launch Raygun magazine, designing the first 30 issues. This magazine, aimed at the youth market with the sub-title of "the bible of music+style", received more attention for Carsons design than for its relatively conventional text content. After this very successful period of Carsons life, his work began to attract wider audiences: it was featured by many mainstream publications, including the New York Times in May 1994, and Newsweek Magazine in 1996. The main comme ...
Friday, November 22, 2019
3 Types of Redundancy to Avoid
3 Types of Redundancy to Avoid 3 Types of Redundancy to Avoid 3 Types of Redundancy to Avoid By Mark Nichol Redundancy in a sentence is annoying, and it is also a nuisance. Conveying information in more than one way, or by repeating wording, is consciously or subconsciously distracting to the reader and contributes to compositional clutter. Note in the discussions and revisions following each example how the sentence in question can be improved by deleting such infelicities. 1. Like Smith, Jones also owns a family-run business. When an additive word or phrase such as like or â€Å"in addition to†introduces a sentence, using also to bridge the complementary phrases is redundant: â€Å"Like Smith, Jones owns a family-run business.†2. Many components, such as asset balance, deposit balance, and interest income, etc., should be sensitive to the change in the macroeconomic environment. Use of a phrase like â€Å"such as†or â€Å"for example†(or the corresponding abbreviation e.g.) is redundant to etc. (or â€Å"and so on†): â€Å"Many components, such as asset balance, deposit balance, and interest income, should be sensitive to the change in the macroeconomic environment.†(Or â€Å"Many components- asset balance, deposit balance, and interest income, etc.- should be sensitive to the change in the macroeconomic environment.†) Note, however, that i.e., which means â€Å"that is†(or â€Å"that is†itself), pertains to clarification and not to listing of examples, so it is not redundant to etc. 3. But the policy is not solely about consumers; it is about what the law calls a data subject. A data subject is defined as a living individual to whom personal data relates. Avoid ending one sentence and beginning the subsequent sentence with the same word or phrase, which generally occurs when a word or phrase is introduced and then immediately defined: â€Å"But the policy is not solely about consumers; it is about what the law calls a data subject, which is defined as a living individual to whom personal data relates.†Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Dialogue Dos and Don'ts15 Great Word GamesHow to Address Your Elders, Your Doctor, Young Children... and Your CEO
Thursday, November 21, 2019
As instruction Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
As instruction - Case Study Example SirsiDynix has worked on almost all types of library systems which include government, public and academic (Vista Equity Partners, 2013). As mentioned above the library pays a fee to make use of the services provided by the software. Moreover the library is also charged for any maintenance work that is carried out on the system. Sirsi is used to perform a number of functions for the library which include circulations, online cataloging, keeping records of subscriptions and acquisitions of various books from different sources (Vista Equity Partners, 2013). The transaction processing system is broken down into a number of modules. Some of these modules collaborate with each other to accomplish various tasks. For example the circulation module and the cataloging module are connected to each other to help locate books when needed. To access the journal articles the library makes use of software known as link resolver that allows students and professors to access various journal articles. The link resolver module tries to determine if an institution owns a resource that the user is trying to access. If the institution does not own that resource the link resolver tries to determine if the institution has the rights to access that particular resource. Once verification is completed the link resolver redirects the user to the resource using a particular URL link (ExLibris SFX, 2012). The URL link resolver provides a scholar portal that connects the all the libraries of the regional universities and provides information on the journals available at a particular university library. Universities are allowed to borrow journals from each other without any additional charges. The headquarters of the portal are situated in University of Toronto. Orders at the library are recorded manually by the library staff. The faculty records all their academic requirements with the staff of the library these requirements include books, journals and any other resources that may be needed by the faculty. These requests are put in by the faculty using a form. Once all requests are made by the faculty the library draws up a budget for purchasing these resources. Each book is purchased from the vendor one at a time. Recently the library has started purchasing books online mainly from Amazon.com. Business process model for a library: Opportunities / Threats Opportunity/threat chart: Threat identified Issue Recommendations Dependency on the software Siri The system largely depends upon the software Siri. An error in any of the modules could halt operations Availability can be a problem Implement a Transaction Processing system as back up to handle all the processing that takes place at the library’s desk IMS by IBM can be implemented within the library system IMS provides high availability and can work with large volume of data Lapse in security Library systems are easy targets for hackers. Unauthorized access could extensively cause damage the data It could even t ake the library offline Install windows
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Should the companies proclaim policy for protect the worker's family Essay
Should the companies proclaim policy for protect the worker's family and what's the effect - Essay Example Failing to protect the worker and the worker’s family could be very disadvantageous to the company in terms of image and brand because the general public will be appalled with a company’s labor practice that disregard the welfare and protection of its employees and its immediate dependents. When the general public will perceive the company as uncaring, they will be turned off with the company and will cease patronizing its products. When customers no longer patronize or buy a company’s product or service, its sales will decline and it follows that when sales decline, the profitability of the company will also decline and it will not be long before the company will go bankrupt. In addition to customers who would be put off with a company that does not proclaim the protection of its employee and their families, investors and the general public will begin to have a negative perception of its shares of stock and it will follow that its stock price will decline due to the negative perception of the market. When that happens, returns to the shareholders will also decline. When the returns of the shareholders investment will decline, they will withdraw their money from the company and will look for other companies to invest it in where it could be more profitable. Thus, the evil cycle will begin with shareholders leaving the company aggravating the already negative perception on the company. In the end, the company may even go bankrupt just because of the market’s negative perception of the company with its uncaring labor practice with its employees and their families. The refusal or failure of the company to protect the worker and their families come in many ways. For the worker’s family’s refusal or inability to protect them by the company, this could come in the form of non recognition of health insurance coverage and in today’s case refusal to implement Obamacare. In effect, this law mandates that companies are all required to protect all their workers and their families from rising medical cost despite their medical condition. Failure to cover its employees would tantamount to paying fines which the law will impose on the company. This is important to mention because this is the new context that businesses will be operating in terms of providing health insurance to their employees and their employees. It meant that companies will have to cover all of its employees including those who were previously uninsurable and those who have pre-exisitng conditions and that includes their families. This may mean an added cost in terms of paying premiums as employees who were not uninsurable has to be insured now that companies may be tempted to renege it to save on cost. The consequence proved to be more expensive because companies who refused to provide medical insurance protection to their employees and their families were fined heavily such as the case of big companies such as AT&T and Caterpillar who decided to stop providing health coverage for their employers because of its additional cost. As a result, it was slapped with penalty and mandated to pay heavy fines that were very costly (Colvin 125). Big companies are considering this option because the forced coverage of the new law on health insurance on all of its employees including those who were previously uninsurable would mean huge addition of cost due to the scale of its employees. Such, they deemed it more
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Application Letter Essay Example for Free
Application Letter Essay I am writing to apply for the position of fireman in the Bureau of Fire and Protection. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and three references. The chance presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my strong practical experience and education will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. The key strengths that I possess for success in this position include: I am magnificently physically fit and capable in order to sustain the jobs high level of emotionally, mentally and physically demanding activity. I am always ready to jump into action despite the down periods in my job. In addition to attempting to put out fires that might need to help treat victims and perform other vital life-saving or public functions, I provide exceptional contributions to safety of those involved in a fire and offering medical aid to the injured. With a BS degree in Computer Technology and a Civil Service Exam passer last October 2013, I have a full understanding of the full life cycle of being a fireman. I also have experience in learning and excelling at new technologies as needed. Please see my resume for additional information on my experience.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Vonneguts Cats Cradle :: Vonnegut Cats Cradle
Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle vs Our Assumptions Regarding War, Progress, and Religion If one of Vonnegut's purposes for writing is "to poison minds with humanity" (qtd. by Scholes, per Griffin), then the weapon of choice in Cat's Cradle, is satire. Cat's Cradle "poison[s] minds" only by revealing the toxins that are already present in the system. Vonnegut's brand of satire serves as a sort of syrup of ipecac on human folly, and if we are "to make a better world" as he would have it, we should understand how truly virulent human enterprise can be. Cat's Cradle holds no punches on conventionally held beliefs and opinions. Whether in regard to religion or science, business or government, sex or war, all topics are at the mercy of Vonnegut's lampooning. The issue of religion is certainly a major target for Vonnegut, and he ingeniously uses irony to satirize religious folly. Cat's Cradle introduces the new, non-religious religion of Bokononism, which, according to its own doctrine, is entirely based on lies (14). By merely asserting that Bokononism is a more truthful religion because it is based on lies, it becomes as error-ridden as any other religion, including Christianity. An example of this is in Chapter 3, not coincidentally entitled "Folly." Here, we are introduced to an Episcopalian woman who claims to "understand God and His Ways of Working perfectly" (13). When John (or Jonah) discovers that this woman cannot read a simple blueprint for a doghouse, he sarcastically suggests that she ask someone to get God to explain it t o her, and in her anger at his effrontery, the woman fires him. John ends the chapter by stating "she was a fool, and so am I, and so is anyone who thinks he sees what God is Doing" (13). All of this is correct according to Bokonon, we are reminded (13), but we mustn't forget that Bokononism is a religion based on lies.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Global Business Cultural Analysis: Germany Essay
Germany has a rich history and has seen many changes throughout the past few decades. Though devastating struggles have been encountered, today Germany boasts the largest economy, as well as the second most populated country within the European countries. (Central Intelligence Agency, 2013) This paper will analyze the dimensions of German culture, how those dimensions affect the way business is conducted, and more specifically, how the business culture of Germany differs and may propose complications for American companies interested in expanding their business globally to Germany. Overall, there are certainly differentiations in German and American business culture, however, none that would inhibit a business to be successful through a global expansion. As Cesar Chavez once said, â€Å"Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.†An unbiased point of view or mindset is crucial when one is considering conducting business in a country whose culture differs from that of the said businessperson’s own culture. That is, if business success is a top priority. The successful global business embraces the culture of the particular country in which they wish to do business and is flexible while still maintaining a strong grasp on their own core values and cultural beliefs. Before one can be successful at differentiating the differences of two cultures, it is important to have a full understanding of what culture is. Quite often the culture of a particular country or region is thought to entail the arts, food, music and language of an area. Culture encompasses so much more than the elements listed above. The culture of an area is what defines who they are, how they operate, and how they relate to people outside of their culture. The dimensions of culture can be categorized as communication, religion, ethics, values and attitudes, manners, customs, social structures and organizations. (Saterlee, 2009) Saterlee goes on to describe each of these categories of culture by breaking down the complexity of each. The way a culture eats, dresses, speaks (including verbal and non-verbal communication) conducts business, punctuation, gender roles, expression of emotions, and education are all just examples of subcategories that fall within the dimensions provided by Saterlee. Clearly there is much that can be learned not only about the culture in which a business wishes to pursue operations in, but also in the said business’s own culture. As mentioned earlier, a profound understanding of one’s own culture is imperative when conducting business in an entirely different culture. â€Å"Our greatest instrument for understanding the world–introspection†¦.The best way of knowing the inwardness of our neighbor is to know ourselves.†(Lippmann, 1914) What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in Germany? The following question will be answered by covering the history (including previous government style and modern), religion, customs, social structures and eth ics, as well as communication. History of German Government Up until 1990 Germany was a divided nation consisting of two parts, Eastern and Western Germany. With the arrival of the Cold War, Germany was divided and two states were formed in 1949. Western Germany formed the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) and Easter Germany formed the German Democratic Republic (GDR). The western Federal Republic took sides with the European Commission (EC) and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) while the eastern German Democratic Republic sided with the communist Soviet-led Warsaw Pact. Germany was unified in 1990 with the diminishing of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) and the decline of Communism. From this unification, Germany became a stronghold in the European Union (EU) and as mentioned earlier became what is still the most populated European country. Rebuilding a unified Germany. Following the unification of eastern and western Germany arose the issue of combining two different economies into one successful economy. This posed many problems due to the success of Western Germany and the lack of success in Eastern Germany. The eastern side had been on a steady decline for the previous years leading up to the unification in 1990. When the unification occurred, it was time to create solutions for a successful merge of the two states to become one flourishing economy. On May 18, 1990 a treaty was formed between the two states, which addressed economic and financial matters. Arising from the treaty an agreement was met that stated the Federal Republic would exchange valuable, convertible western marks for less valuable, non-convertible eastern marks. A more in depth look into what is needed for the successful intertwining shows that large investments in communications, railroads, highways, and utilities are major areas that need assistance within Eastern Germany. Large companies including Volkswagen and Siemens A.G. made massive investments, which, in turn helped boost the economy and employ thousands of workers. (Harris, 1991) Transition from a Dictatorial nation to a Democratic nation. Throughout history Germany encountered many struggles while trying to develop a democracy. Some of these struggles were caused by perceptions of which were influenced by prior autocratic or dictatorial regimes. Similar to a ghost, the ideology of these previous regimes remained after their fall even during the transition to the new democracy. After the unification in 1990 there were problems that East Germans faced in regards to transitioning to a new style of government. East Germans were unfamiliar with the new democratic style of government. The transitions did not come as a complete shock due to the exposure of such governing principles viewed through media. Before flourishing, there were some economic struggles faced as well by East Germans. (Saafeld, 1997) Religion There are many similarities between the United States and Germany in relation to religion that will be discussed in further detail later. Germans have the freedom to exercise any religion of their choice. The German Basic Law describes the context of religious freedom within the country. More specifically explained in Article 4: Article 4 [Freedom of faith, conscience, and creed] (1) Freedom of faith and of conscience, and freedom to profess a religious or philosophical creed, shall be inviolable. (2) The undisturbed practice of religion shall be guaranteed. (3) No person shall be compelled against his conscience to render military service involving the use of arms. Details shall be regulated by a federal law. (Federal Republic of Germany, 1993) The main premise on which the scope of Article four of the German Basic Law was established was the case of Rumpelkammer in 1968. This case was brought about when a Roman Catholic youth organization was planning on practicing their faith missionary style in public. The group would raise money by collecting used goods such as clothes and other recyclables. The money that was obtained through the recyclables would then be donated to various charities. The group obtained support from priests by having them encourage parishioners to donate. The issue at hand was when a commercial rag dealer began to complain that the groups’ activities were illegal and in turn hurting his business. The businessman took it to court and actually won in the lower court system, however, the Constitutional Court disagreed and overturned the lower court’s decision to ban the youth group’s method of raising money. [The Article Four guarantees of religionâ€â€irrespective if the creed is rooted in religious or nonreligious ideological beliefâ€â€entail not only the inner freedom to believe or no believe, that is to profess a particular creed, or to remain silent or disavow a previously held creed and profess a new one, but also the freedom to engage in ritual acts, to proselytize, and to propagandize†¦.Religious exercise has central meaning for each faith, and in view of its historical content, must be interpreted broadly. It includes not only ritualistic acts, like adherence to religious practices such as worship services, church collections, prayer, receipt of the sacrament†¦but also religious education, religious and atheistic celebrations and other practices of religious or nonreligious life.†] (Eberle, 2004) Germany also has an excellent state-church relationship. We see that this was developed early in German history with the strong roots of the Catholic Church embedded in German government. It is known that during the middle ages the Catholic Church maintained an adherence to education particularly in the areas of reading, writing, mathematics, accounting, and the study of science and philosophy. Eberle states, â€Å"The deep association of the Catholic Church with learning is a major factor in the cooperative relationship that has developed between church and state over education. Europeans became accustomed to looking to the Church for support and contribution to society.†(Eberle, 2004)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Competitive Strategy at Sportsman Shoes: Case Analysis Essay
Sportsman Shoes has been a leader in the shoe industry for more than thirty years. Sportsman manufactures and sells athletic shoes for all types of sports. The company has pursued a low-cost strategy in order to sustain their success. They sell a limited number of shoe designs and have held costs low through manufacturing efficiency and standardized operations. However, the past five years have been a struggle at Sportsman. The shoe market has seen a rise in the availability of low-cost imported shoes that has threatened Sportsman’s competitive position. As a result, company executives have decided it is time for a strategy shift. Sportsman executives have done extensive market research and have determined that many niche athletic shoe markets exist where athletes are willing to pay more for shoes designed to meet the needs of their unique sport. There are very few competitors in these niche athletic shoe markets, and most do not have Sportsman’s past experience in keeping control of manufacturing costs. Sportsman has determined that with talented shoe designers in place, they can manufacture athletic shoes to meet the needs of the niche markets using their current manufacturing facilities and employees. By designing shoes that have features that differ from competitors and meet the specific needs of a new group of customers, Sportsman believes the company can create a competitive advantage. Further, while their shoes will not be as low-cost as they were in the past, they will likely be able to sell their shoes for less than market competitors and still make a healthy profit. Therefore, Sportsman has decided to shift from their current low-cost strategy to a differentiation strategy and will begin production to make specialty athletic shoes.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Crime Detection essays
Crime Detection essays In recent times, science has provided substantial aid to crime detection. Because anything in the physical universe has the potential of becoming an item of evidence in an investigation, a wide variety of procedures may be used in analyzing and interpreting evidence in a criminal case. These procedures include handwriting analysis, forensic photography, crime scene documentation, metallurgical investigations, chain of custody, entomology, and blood spatters. The first thing you do after securing a crime scene is document it. Always take pictures. They are the best records available. They show the crime scene as it was found; where objects are in relation to other objects, victims, rooms, etc. Take notes. Describe the scene, its over all conditions. Describe rooms, lights, shades, locks, food; anything that can indicate a time frame, condition of scene or that might have even the slightest evidentiary significance. Check dates on mail and newspapers. Diagram the crime scene. Take measurements. Photos are good to show where an object is in relation to another object, but measurements tell exactly how far. True handwriting analysis involves painstaking examination of the design, shape and structure of handwriting to determine authorship of a given handwriting sample. The basic principle underlying handwriting analysis is that no two people write the exact same thing the exact same way. Every person develops unique peculiarities and characteristics in their handwriting. Handwriting analysis looks at letter formations, connecting strokes between the letters, upstrokes, retraces, down strokes, spacing, baseline, curves, size, distortions, hesitations and a number of other characteristics of handwriting. By examining these details and variations in a questioned sample and comparing them to a sample of known authorship, a determination can be made as the whether or not the authorship is genuine. Another is, Metallu ...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Word Order in English Sentences
Word Order in English Sentences Word order refers to the conventional arrangement of words in a phrase, clause, or sentence. Compared with many other languages, word order in English is fairly rigid. In particular, the order of subject, verb, and object is relatively inflexible. Examples and Observations I cant see the point of Mozart. Of Mozart I cant see the point. The point of Mozart I cant see. See I cant of Mozart the point. Cant I of Mozart point the see . . . I cant see the point of Mozart. (Sebastian Faulks, Engleby. Doubleday, 2007)[A] characteristic of modern English, as of other modern languages, is the use of word-order as a means of grammatical expression. If in an English sentence, such as The wolf ate the lamb, we transpose the positions of the nouns, we entirely change the meaning of the sentence; the subject and object are not denoted by any terminations to the words, as they would be in Greek or Latin or in modern German, but by their position before or after the verb.(Logan Pearsall Smith, The English Language, 1912) Basic Word Order in Modern English Assume you wanted to say that a chicken crossed the road in Modern English. And assume you are interested only in stating the factsno questions asked, no commands, and no passive. You wouldnt have much of a choice, would you? The most natural way of stating the message would be as in (18a), with the subject (in caps) preceding the verb (in boldface) which, in turn, precedes the object (in italics). For some speakers (18b) would be acceptable, too, but clearly more marked, with particular emphasis on the road. Many other speakers would prefer to express such an emphasis by saying something like Its the road that the chicken crossed, or they would use a passive The road was crossed by the chicken. Other permutations of (18a) would be entirely unacceptable, such as (18c)-(18f). (18a) THE CHICKEN crossed the road[Basic, unmarked order](18b) the road THE CHICKEN crossed[Marked order; the road is in relief](18c) THE CHICKEN the road crossed*(18d) the road crossed THE CHICKEN*[But note constructions like: Out of the cave came A TIGER.](18e) crossed the road THE CHICKEN*(18f) crossed THE CHICKEN the road* In this respect, Modern English differs markedly from the majority of the early Indo-European languages, as well as from Old English, especially the very archaic stage of Old English found in the famous epic Beowulf. In these languages, any of the six different orders in (18) would be acceptable . . ..(Hans Henrich Hock and Brian D. Joseph, Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship: An Introduction to Historical and Comparative Linguistics. Mouton de Gruyter, 1996) Word Order in Old English, Middle English, and Modern English Certainly, word order is critical in Modern English. Recall the famous example: The dog bit the man. This utterance means something totally different from The man bit the dog. In Old English, word endings conveyed which creature is doing the biting and which is being bitten, so there was built-in flexibility for word order. Inflection telling us dog-subject bites man-object allows words to be switched around without confusion: man-object bites dog-subject. Alerted that the man is the object of the verb, we can hold him in mind as the recipient of a bite made by a subject we know will be revealed next: dog.By the time English evolved into Middle English, loss of inflection meant that nouns no longer contained much grammatical information. On its own, the word man could be a subject or an object, or even an indirect object (as in The dog fetched the man a bone). To compensate for this loss of information that inflection has provided, word order became critically important. If the man a ppears after the verb bite, we know hes not the one doing the biting: The dog bit the man. Indeed, having lost so much inflection, Modern English relies heavily on word order to convey grammatical information. And it doesnt much like having its conventional word order upset. (Leslie Dunton-Downer, The English Is Coming!: How One Language Is Sweeping the World. Simon Schuster, 2010) Adverbials One way to find out whether a sentence part is a subject or not is to make the sentence into a question. The subject will appear after the first verb: He told me to add one tablespoon of honey per pound of fruit.Did he tell me . . .?We spread a thin layer of fruit on each plate.Did we spread . . .? The only constituent that may occur in many different places is an adverbial. Especially one-word adverbials like not, always, and often may occur almost anywhere in the sentence. In order to see if a sentence part is an adverbial or not, see if it is possible to move it in the sentence.(Marjolijn Verspoor and Kim Sauter, English Sentence Analysis: An Introductory Course. John Benjamins, 2000) The Lighter Side of Word Order in Monty Pythons Flying Circus Burrows: Good doctor morning! Nice year for the time of day!Dr. Thripshaw: Come in.Burrows: Can I down sit?​Dr. Thripshaw: Certainly. Well, then?Burrows: Well, now, not going to bush the doctor about the beat too long. Im going to come to point the straight immediately.Dr. Thripshaw: Good, good.Burrows: My particular prob, or buglem bear, Ive had ages. For years, Ive had it for donkeys.Dr. Thripshaw: What?Burrows: Im up to here with it, Im sick to death. I cant take you any longer so Ive come to see it.Dr. Thripshaw: Ah, now this is your problem with words.​Burrows: This is my problem with words. Oh, that seems to have cleared it. Oh I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee. Yes, that seems to be all right. Thank you very much.​Dr. Thripshaw: I see. But recently you have been having this problem with your word order.Burrows: Well, absolutely, and what makes it worse, sometimes at the end of a sentence Ill come out with the wrong fusebox.Dr. Thripshaw: Fusebox ?Burrows: And the thing about saying the wrong word is a) I dont notice it, and b) sometimes orange water given bucket of plaster. (Michael Palin and John Cleese in episode 36 of Monty Pythons Flying Circus, 1972)
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Argument and Persuasion essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Argument and Persuasion - Essay Example The United States is influencing the rest of the world through its culture and products, but the United States is also influenced by the culture of other countries. The United States is composed of different ethnicities and religions – the Jews, the Christians, the Muslims, the Hindus, and the Buddhists, and these ethnicities and religions have been absorbed and assimilated by Americans as part of their own culture. Traditional practices in medicine have also been integrated into our practice because of the proven benefits that they have managed to bring forth to patients and our country in general. These traditional practices include acupuncture, acupressure, and some herbal medications (Andrzejczyk, p. 96). Mega-corporations from other countries have also managed to make good business here in the United States, including Toyota, Sony, and Mitsubishi. Feng Shui, a distinctly Chinese practice is also being applied in many homes and by many designers in the United States. Through these practices there has been a mutual global cultural exchange, making it possible for different countries to be in closer contact with each other and to be more in touch with other countries. According to the â€Å"One Ku (cool) Language for All,†(Andrzejczyk, p. 149) the use of English as a universal language has also made it possible for nations to relate and communicate with each other as traders and as businessmen. The shift in this globalized world and the use of English represents a more willing participation of countries as global players in the economy. The common language has also managed to make our world smaller and easier for people to embrace and conceptualize. Just as globalization brings forth benefits, it can also bring about negative consequences. Its negative consequences are on the effects of the culture in the country where it is introduced, especially when it does not share the culture of the home country of the product being
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