Sunday, January 26, 2020
Switched LANs And Network Design Engineering Essay
Switched LANs And Network Design Engineering Essay The Local Area Networks (LANs) can serve only a small geographic area and there is a limitation for the total number of hosts that can be attached to a single network. In order to communicate between the hosts network devices like hubs and switches are used. Thus a set of LANs that are interconnected by switches will form switched LANs and this lab is all about the performance evaluation of the switched LANs. OBJECTIVE: The main goal of this lab assignment is to compare and study the performance of switched local area networks (LANs) that are implemented through the hubs and switches. The performance study of various parameters like throughput, number of collisions, and delay of the network is done through the simulations obtained from the project implementations and the questions are answered from the simulations. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE: The implementation of the switched LANs is done through OPNET IT Guru software. The software provided step by step procedures. In the first step, the network is created with the hub configuration having nodes from node_0 through node_15 and the hub is named as HUB_1. The Ethernet connection 10BaseT, operates at 10Mbps and is used to link between the 16 hosts present in the network. The network nodes are then individually configured for the traffic generation parameters and packet generation parameters attributes. As the hub configuration would send the packets received at its input to all the output lines irrespective of the destination the hub configuration network design is as shown below. The second configuration uses both the hub and the switch. Here a switch is used between the two hubs named HUB_1 and HUB_2. Each hub is connected to 8 nodes and the connection is established through the Ethernet 10BaseT link. The main difference between the hub and the switch is that the switch uses a store and forward mechanism. Thus it will forward the packets received at its input port to the required destinations and sometimes buffers due to the network traffic. The network configuration for such a combination of hub and switch is detailed in the below simulation design. The above two network configurations are analyzed for the attributes packet generation and traffic generation parameters. Both of them are similar and the packet generation occurred for every 100 seconds. The simulation of the configured network is run for every 2 minutes and the details are captured for further evaluation. OBSERVATIONS AND RESULTS ANALYSIS: The simulation results for the configured networks are clearly depicted by the graphs. Fig 3 details the traffic sent over the hub and the hub-switch combination. From the graph we can identify the amount of traffic sent across both the configurations remained the same. Fig 4 shows the packets that are received at the destination for both the configurations. From the graph we can state that the hub-switch configuration is more efficient over the hub alone configuration. The analysis of the time delay in Fig 5 gives a clear idea about the efficiency of hub-switch configuration. The hub-switch configuration had a delay of 0.020 seconds constantly for a particular load and there is no such criterion for the hub only configuration. The collision count in Fig 6 depicts that the collision count for the hub alone is nearly 2300 for a constant amount of time and the case with the hub and switch combination is far less which counts to nearly 900. Thus we can say from the graphs that the efficiency of hub and switch network configuration is more when compared to the hub alone network configuration. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: Question 1: Explain why adding a switch makes the network perform better in terms of throughput and delay. Answer: From the simulation results it is evident that a switch performs well by dividing the network into smaller collision domains. Thus the throughput could be increased and also the switch provides the network bandwidth of 10 Mbps completely on each of the nodes and hence the delay of the network is reduced effectively. Question 2: We analyzed the collision counts of the hubs. Can you analyze the collision count of the â€Å"Switch†? Explain your answer. Answer: Yes. The collision count of a switch can be analyzed with the behavior of the switch. The switch uses a store and forward mechanism. Thus it also has the capability of buffering the packets in times of network traffic. These major features of the switch would enable the switch to have no collision. Thus switches are more preferred. Question 3: Create two new scenarios. The first one is the same as the OnlyHub scenario but replace the hub with a switch. The second new scenarios is the same as the HubAndSwitch scenario but replace both hubs with two switches, remove the old switch, and connect the two switches you just added together with a 10BaseT link. Compare the performance of the four scenarios in terms of delay, throughput, and collision count. Analyze the results. Note: To replace a hub with a switch, right-click on the hub and assign ethernet16_switch to its model attribute. Answer: The results obtained from the simulation graphs would show the throughput and time delay in the different configurations. From Fig 7, it is seen that hub and switch configuration has the increase in throughput and the hub only configuration has the least throughput among the four. The time delay between the four configurations is analyzed from the Fig 8. Here the two switches configuration has a least time delay because the usage of switches would optimize the delay in time. This is clear from the simulation graph as the time delay is around about 0.002 seconds. The analysis of collision count is already discussed in question 2. When two switches are used by the property of the switches the collision count would be zero. Thus switches are the best configuration devices as compared to hubs. CONCLUSION: Thus, the Switched LANs lab assignment gave a very clear vision for the choice of network configuration in a preferred location by learning the hub and switch basics. The simulation results were evident to confirm the better efficiency of a switch than a hub. Hence, the optimization of network by a switch instead of a hub will produce cost efficiency. LABORATORY 4: NETWORK DESIGN OVERWIEW: In this lab we developed a companys network having 4 departments. Since it was a small network, we used LAN model. We used OPNET Guru to simulate the network design. Once the design was done we assessed the outcome and tried to excel the network by changing some of the hardware, such as using separate servers for database, files and web vs. using one for all three of them. We also compared the same network using low vs. high density cables. Thus, this lab is about the optimization of network. OBJECTIVE: The main goal of this lab was to show the learning of the fundamentals of network design. In order to doing this we took into account the users, services, and locations of the hosts. IMPLEMENTATION PROCEDURE: To implement this network, we used OPNET Guru as it is one of the greatest tools in Networking. It allows one to simulate the network with any combinations of devices and protocols we have available today. First, we created an empty project and added objects: Application Configuration, Profile Configuration, and a subnet as node_0, node_1 and subnet_0 respectively. Then, we configure services for applications, namely: engineers, researchers, salespeople, and multimedia users. Later, we configure the subnet. Then, we create a 10-workstation star topology LAN. We do this for each of the four departments stated above. Now, we configure all the departments. Now, we configure all three servers based on different services needed for each followed by connecting each department to the subnet. Finally, we setup the network to test for statistics about the global page and run the simulation to assess the results. Later, we keep the same setup as in Figure 1 above and change the background utilization to be 99 percent to create the Busy Network. And run the simulation again. Finally, we duplicate the Busy Network and replace the low density cables with high density to observe differences. Now you are you are ready to observe the results and analyze the network. OBSERVATION AND RESULTS ANLAYSIS: In figure 4.3 bellow, we observed that the response time of the busy network was much higher than the simple network. Also, the system stabilizes very quick compared to the busy network. From figure 3, high density cables were very helpful in optimizing the results. With high density cables we get busy network producing a response time as if it were a simple network and it stabilizes really fast too. It was apparent that File server stabilizes a lot faster than both the Database Server and the Web Server. Second, Database Server fluctuate the least. It became apparent that one server replacing the three server has the most load, so it CPU Utilization is the most and it somewhat higher than the Web Server alone. QUESTION AND ANSWERS: Question 1: Analyze the result we obtained regarding the HTTP page response time. Collect four other statistics, of your choice, and rerun the simulation of the Simple and the busy network scenarios. Get the graphs that compare the collected statistics. Comment on these results. Answer: From the HTTP response time for the simple and busy networks, the simple network is represented in blue and the busy network is represented in the color red. The comparison of the two time delay would result in a conclusion that the delay is much less in the simple network as compared to the busy network. We have considered four other scenarios for comparison and they are depicted in the graph as below: The first plot shows the Ethernet delay time and from the figure we could notice clearly that the delay in the busy network is higher as compared to the simple network. The next plot shows the time delay comparisons of the TCP delay. We could understand that the TCP delay for the busy network is fluctuating initially ata higher rate and then it subsides almost even but still at at a higher pace. On the other hand the simple network has a ver low flutuating initial time delay and then it has stabilized after a period of time. The graph below represents the response time for the DB entry and the comparison between the simple and busy network shows a great deal of difference. The busy network is a bit fluctuating at the initial stage and then it commences to a stable state. But still the delay is high over here. The simple network is having a quite stable time responde from the beginning. This could be observed from the graph below. The response time for the DB Query is as shown below. In this scenario also the simple network has a quite stable time delay and very small when compared to the initial fluctuating time delay of the busy network. Question 2: In the Busy Network scenario, study the utilization% of the CPUs in the servers (Right-click on each server and select Choose Individual Statistics ? CPU ? Utilization). Answer: The CPU utilization during the Busy Network Scenario for the webserver, database server, and file server are as below: From the graphs above, it is obvious that File server stabilizes a lot faster than both the Database Server and the Web Server. Second, Database Server fluctuate the least if you look at the magnitude on the y-axis. Question 3: Create a new scenario as a duplicate of the Busy Network scenario. Name the new scenario Q3_OneServer. Replace the three servers with only one server that supports all required services. Study the utilization% of that server’s CPU. Compare this utilization with the three CPU utilizations you obtained in the previous question. Answer: It is apparent from the graph above that the one server replacing the three servers has the maximum load, so its CPU Utilization is the most and it somewhat higher than the Web Server in the previous scenario. This is because the web server was using the most CPU time in the previous busy scenario. Question 4: Create a new scenario as a duplicate of the Busy Network scenario. Name the new scenario Q4_FasterNetwork. In the Q4_FasterNetwork scenario, replace all 100BaseT links in the network with 10Gbps Ethernet links and replace all 10BaseT links with 100BaseT links. Study how increasing the bandwidth of the links affects the performance of the network in the new scenario (e.g., compare the HTTP page response time in the new scenario with that of the Busy Network). Answer: After making all the changes to the links, we have the following results: From the results above, it is obvious that network response time is much faster and that it stabilizes really fast too. In other words, the Q4_FastNetwork is compatible to Simple Network instead of Busy Network only because we used high density cables. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, we learned the basics of designing a network, taking into consideration the users, services, and locations of the hosts. We learned this by using OPNET tool which is great for simulating network systems. We also, learned that using high density cables will optimize the network greatly and can even convert the response time of a network to be so fast as if it were a simple network and it stabilizes the network very fast too. We also noticed that using separate servers for different activities, such as, Database, files and web gives better performance of CPU utilization. Thus, one should consider using high density cables and separate servers for Databases, files and Web to avoid overloading just one server.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Types of Equipment Essay
1.1 Identify different types of equipment and their uses There are many different types of office equipment. The main ones found in most offices are: Chair – To sit on Desk – To sit at and rest Computer Monitor – pens – work etc. Also for storage. Telephone – To contact p Desk – It can be different size or shape depending of office needs. High Tec Telephone – It could be hand free set or just have different features such as: answering machine, calls on hold, address book and match more. High Tec Printer – It could include all in one functions, such as: scanner – scan from both sides printer – print color, print both sides, staple, print different sizes and different formats. photocopier – copy color, both sides, staple, can be zoomed in/out produce high volumes of printouts/copies very quickly File Cabinets – Different size for different office needs, can also be draws and be protected with lock. File trays – Can be the size for filing cabinets or good size for the use on my desc, also could be attached to walls for different paperwork. Computer – Can be with different size of screen, can be adjusted for ergonomic needs. Also could be portable. 1.3 Explain why different types of equipment are chosen for tasks Any equipment I choose will make the task take up as little as your time as possible so I could meet targets and deadlines, and also the equipment that can help me to complete the task to the best standard. Also not one piece of equipment can do everything, so it means I would need various types of office equipment to complete the task. An example of making a poster, I probably would use my computer, printer and laminator. 2: Understand the purpose of following instructions and health and safety procedures 2.1 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions when using equipment The purpose to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the following reasons: Failureto do so can invalidate the warranty of the piece of equipment – this could be very expensive for your company. The manufacturer knows the likely problemsand sets out the instructions to help you findthe solution in the quickest way possible. Following the instructions means that everyone will follow aset procedure. The engineer will thenbe able to work out what you have done andin whatorder. 2.2 Explain the purpose of following organisational instructions when using equipment Failure to follow organisational instructions can result damage or injury, or even failure to get the proper outcome from using the equipment. It is important that I produce my work to best possible way to meet requirements of the person who set the task. This shows I’m responsible and I can be relied upon to get things done. I will also needto be aware oforganisationalprocedures relating tosolvingequipment problems.This isbecause they may: set out who I must inform of the problem give instructions as to who is and is not allowed to take action limit what staff may do 2.3 Identify health and safety procedures for using different types of equipment I must make myself aware of the potential hazards of any operation I may carry out, or any equipment I may use. In addition I must be aware of self operating rules, working procedures, instructions etc. I must not interfere with any item of equipment I’m not duly authorised to use it or maintain. I must use the right equipment for the job and keep the equipment tidy and in good working condition. I must use suitable safety equipment if needed. I must report any faults or damage to relevant staff or my Line Manager immediately. 2.4 Explain the purpose of following health and safety procedures when using equipment To stay healthy and safe. To avoid injury. To prevent or at least limit harm to people around me. To protect equipment and facilities. To get the most accurate results from the equipment 2.5 Explain the purpose of keeping equipment clean and hygienic The purpose is for equipment to run faster and more efficiently. The standards are no dust on the machinery and also to keep it at a reasonable temperature. Also it is important to keep it clean and hygienic which means it is free from dirt, germ and bacteria. for example, food and drink should be kept well away from any equipment in case anything get knocked over and causes damage. if you spill something over or near a piece of equipment you should clean it up straight away. 3: Understand how to use equipment in a way that minimises waste 3.1 Give examples of waste when using equipment An example of waste when using office equipment is when most of employees leave their computers on standby all night. Even when though it is on standby, they are still using electricity. Also printing out multiple copies of documents to find that there are spelling mistakes so they will need to be discarded as waste. 3.2 Give examples of ways to reduce waste There are many ways that a company can cut down on waste, they can do things like double sided printing, double checking work before printing and doing a test print before printing out multiple documents will cut down waste of paper and ink. 3.3 Explain the purpose of minimising waste Keeping waste to a minimum in the business environment serves the same purposes it does everywhere else: it decreases the amount of waste a business contributes to the environment Reducing waste is key to minimizing an individual’s or business’s environmental impact by reducing air and water pollution and limiting the amount of material that ends up in landfills. Reducing waste can also serve to save a business money. By enacting plans that conserve materials, they will inevitably cut down on the amount of materials they need to purchase. Likewise, any attempt to reduce carbon emissions inevitably relies on a reduction of energy use, which means less money spent on electricity and fuel. The advantage of applying waste minimization principles in a business environment is that it impacts a larger number of people than would applying them in one’s home. Such actions can also serve to improve a business’s image. 4: Know about the different types of problems that may occur when using equipment and how to deal with them 4.1 Give examples of equipment problems There are many things that can go wrong when using office equipment such as: paper jams, most of the time it can be easily solved, but there might be times when have to be reported and have to call out engineer, as paper could be in one of the operating units where I wouldn’t be able to access it, or it could also be a damage of the unit. network connection problems, if it goes on for some time, I would have to report it to our IT team to take a look at it. running out of toner/ink when using the printer/scanner/photocopier, this can be easily solved by replacing toner/ink units. 4.2 Explain the purpose of following manufacturer’s instructions and organisational procedures when dealing with problems It is important follow manufacturer’s instructions and organisational procedures as servicing faulty equipment can be very expensive, and not following instructions often results in a problem. The more problems are caused, the more money company have to spend and it also affects work quality, as equipment fault or even breakdown can delay my work deadlines. The company I work for have to follow established procedures to operate efficiently. 4.3 Give examples of how to deal with problems Example of my computer being crashed – Make sure my documents are set to auto-save every 10 minutes to prevent loss of work I’ve done. Example of a printer, my printed document is smudged – The ink cartridge is running low and it needs to be replaced. The paper jam – Manually remove the jammed paper from the printer. Always follow the instructions given on the printer screen, open printer in correct order. 5: Understand the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines 5.1 Explain the purpose of meeting work standards and deadlines when using equipment A goodexample of the importance ofmeeting work standards when usingoffice equipment concerns the use of company email.Most office staff use email regularlythroughout the dayto contact other members of staff, as well as external customers and suppliers and dealers. There are company standards on the use of email which will indicate the correct language to be used – slang, text speak and bad language are never acceptable when emailing at work. The use of personal email during work times will also be subject to limits and will almost certainly bemonitored. Companies can and do monitor staff use of email usingspecial softwareprograms which will flag up certain words orphrases – so, be aware, and never assumeanything I put in an email is private. The company I work for always have deadlines by which certain tasks must be completed. Deadlines areimportant for staff as they tell them when things need to becompleted in order that the business can meet its KPI’s ( targets ). 6: Understand the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user 6.1 Explain the purpose of leaving equipment and the work area ready for the next user Whenever I finish using officeequipment it is important that you leave the work area exactly asyou found it. This means: I can’t leave any mess lying around I can’t leave the workarea insuch away that someone else has to clear up after you before they can begin usingthe equipment. Imagine that I had to print 100 copies of a attachments for payslips. When you arrive at the printer ready to collect your printouts, I find that my work is all mixed up with someone else’s, which has simply been left on the printer. This examplehighlights the point that takingcare totidy away aftermyself is a necessary partof working with othersand sharing equipment. If everyone simply left their work lying around, it would not be long before the whole office was totallyunusable.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Whos Worried About Good Psychology Essay Topics and Why You Should Pay Attention
Who's Worried About Good Psychology Essay Topics and Why You Should Pay Attention Essay on third world poverty Write essay my favourite place custom essay writing service do you need to purchase custom essay online because you believe you are stuck on the procedure for writing. The following ideas can help you to find sources proper for psychology argumentative essay writing. Also, very similar to writing any different type of essay, good planning is vital. Moral argumentative essay topics are a few of the simplest to get carried away with. Nobody really wishes to compose an essay. An argumentative essay requires you to choose a topic and have a position on it. Fast guide about how to choose the very best argumentative essay topic and the way to compose a top quality argumentative essay develop an argument. Keep on reading to learn several topics that you are able to consider. Because general psychology classes cover such a wide array of topics, you have a huge variety of subject ideas to select from. Quite frequently, teachers provide students a wide selection of already composed essay topics to pick from. Well, with us you can find the type of essay you want at an inexpensive price tag. You will discover our prices affordable! Therefore, our rates are very competitive in comparison with the typical charges by other businesses. Most Noticeable Good Psychology Essay Topics If you're going to compose a psychology paper, the v ery first thing you have to do is pick a great topic. To compose a winning paper, you will have to brainstorm fresh thoughts and even real issues locally of study. If you're looking for good persuasive speech topics associated with sports, of all time it's essential to have cap on sport person's salaries. Avoid just listing the facts about the specific disorder. What Needs to be Done About Good Psychology Essay Topics Before You Miss Your Chance You might be fascinated with the way the human brain functions, perhaps you've read about it before or perhaps you want to follow a career for a therapist. Becoming in a position to recognize the problem in children can be rather difficult, as children may have a difficult time understanding and describing their experiences to others. Cognitive psychology tackles the distinct mental processes happening in someone's mind. Questions on depression aim to ascertain whether the individual taking the evaluation is experiencing depression. The New Angle On Good Psychology Essay Topics Just Released In such a situation, a psychology essay example could possibly be really useful. Do not expect picking a psychology topic for your paper is going to be a fast or effortless job! It's possible to then embark on research to acquire ideas to back up your argument. 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Wednesday, January 1, 2020
University of San Francisco Acceptance Rate, SAT/ACT Scores, GPA
The University of San Francisco is a private university with an acceptance rate of 65%. Founded in 1855, the University of San Francisco is a private Jesuit school located right in the heart of San Francisco. The university emphasizes service learning, global awareness, diversity, and environmental sustainability. USF offers students numerous international opportunities including over 100 study abroad programs in 45 countries. The university has an average class size of 29 and a 13-to-1 student/faculty ratio. The sciences, social sciences, and business fields are popular majors among undergraduates. In athletics, the USF Dons compete in the NCAA Division I West Coast Conference. Considering applying to the University of San Francisco? Here are the admissions statistics you should know, including average SAT/ACT scores and GPAs of admitted students. Acceptance Rate During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, the University of San Francisco had an acceptance rate of 65%. This means that for every 100 students who applied, 65 students were admitted, making USFs admissions process competitive. Admissions Statistics (2017-18) Number of Applicants 18,411 Percent Admitted 65% Percent Admitted Who Enrolled (Yield) 13% SAT Scores and Requirements The University of San Francisco requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 72% of admitted students submitted SAT scores. Note that beginning with fall 2020 admissions, USF will become test-optional. SAT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile ERW 570 660 Math 560 670 ERW=Evidence-Based Reading and Writing This admissions data tells us that most of University of San Franciscos admitted students fall within the top 35% nationally on the SAT. For the evidence-based reading and writing section, 50% of students admitted to USF scored between 570 and 660, while 25% scored below 570 and 25% scored above 660. On the math section, 50% of admitted students scored between 560 and 670, while 25% scored below 560 and 25% scored above 670. Applicants with a composite SAT score of 1330 or higher will have particularly competitive chances at the University of San Francisco. Requirements The University of San Francisco does not require the SAT writing section or SAT Subject tests. Note that USF participates in the scorechoice program, which means that the admissions office will consider your highest score from each individual section across all SAT test dates. ACT Scores and Requirements The University of San Francisco requires that all applicants submit either SAT or ACT scores. During the 2017-18 admissions cycle, 36% of admitted students submitted ACT scores. Note that beginning with fall 2020 admissions, USF will become test-optional. ACT Range (Admitted Students) Section 25th Percentile 75th Percentile English 23 31 Math 22 27 Composite 23 29 This admissions data tells us most of USFs admitted students fall within the top 31% nationally on the ACT. The middle 50% of students admitted to University of San Francisco received a composite ACT score between 23 and 29, while 25% scored above 29 and 25% scored below 23. Requirements USF does not require the ACT writing section. Unlike many universities, the University of San Francisco superscores ACT results; your highest subscores from multiple ACT sittings will be considered. GPA In 2018, the average high school GPA of University of San Franciscos incoming freshmen class was 3.56. This information suggests that most successful applicants to USF have primarily A-/B grades. Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph University of San Francisco Applicants Self-Reported GPA/SAT/ACT Graph. Data courtesy of Cappex. The admissions data in the graph is self-reported by applicants to the University of San Francisco. GPAs are unweighted. Find out how you compare to accepted students, see the real-time graph, and calculate your chances of getting in with a free Cappex account. Admissions Chances The University of San Francisco, which accepts nearly two-thirds of applicants, has a somewhat selective admissions process. If your SAT/ACT scores and GPA fall within the schools average ranges, you have a strong chance of being admitted. However, University of San Francisco has a holistic admissions process involving other factors beyond your grades and test scores. Strong application essays and glowing letters of recommendation can strengthen your application, as can participation in meaningful extracurricular activities and a rigorous course schedule which includes Advanced Placement, IB, Honors, and Dual enrollment classes. Applicants with compelling stories and achievements can still receive serious consideration even if their test scores are outside USFs average range. In the graph above, the blue and green dots represent accepted students. As the data points show, the majority of students who got into University of San Francisco had at least a B average, an SAT score (ERWM) above 1050, and an ACT composite score of 21 or higher. An applicants chances increase measurably if grades and standardized test scores are a little above this lower range. If You Like the University of San Francisco, You May Also Like These Schools Loyola Marymount UniversityPepperdine UniversityStanford University All admissions data has been sourced from the National Center for Education Statistics and University of San Francisco Undergraduate Admissions Office.
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